Cooperative Social AZZURRA was founded in 1996; its main activities are in the area of social tourism and especially in the area of education of disadvantaged people.

We see our field of application in a comprehensive continuing education program in the sphere of social tourism and of European continuing education. These are two sectors which are narrowly connected with each other: they should offer the possibility to young people to find out new drafts on the subject combined Europe and in the European neighboring country, to attain professional development within the aims of Leonardo Da Vinci mobility programs. Consequences like cultural exchange, professional know-how, understanding among nations, finding of employment in the European job market and social growth are our purposes.

Cooperative Social AZZURRA


The aim of the Cooperative Social AZZURRA is to foster innovation, development and change in people and in organization through the promotion and implementation of studies, researches, vocational training activities, cultural exchanges and social activities. Our main slogan is to find in the comprehension of the word: SOCIAL, based on its global meaning. Our objectives are all focused on the development of social life including the spheres of employment and increase of skills and knowledge.

Our team, a motivated group of collaborators, vocational training programme planners, tutors/mentors/docents and trainers enables us to act efficiently and with high flexibility.


The Cooperative Social AZZURRA gained a lot of experience in coordination of projects in the framework of EU Initiatives: Leonardo Da Vinci (exchanges, placements and language competencies), Socrates.

Within these purposes, AZZURRA has carried out vocational training actions aimed to prevent the school abandonment, to upgrade the workers' skills, to promote mobility behaviour of young workers, to foster the sustainable tourism development, to promote innovation and competition in tourism businesses.

The Cooperative Social AZZURRA is focused on tourism, hospitality industry, catering and gastronomy, rural tourism, biological agriculture and handicrafts, increasing technique skills and innovation of teaching methods.

Local Partners

The cooperative pursues its purposes by means of collaboration with partners, experts, municipalities, local bodies, universities, enterprise' consortia and vocational education centers in the sphere of social tourism, gastronomy, education, and other professional fields, among the rest, it leads a youth hotel in which also the activities of continuing education are realized.

Hotels and their association at Spoleto and Riccione and Rimini at the Adriatic coast of Italy, offer a continue support for carrying out the projects in collaboration with our promoting partners from all of Europe. Agriculture enterprises, Industries of Metal and steel, Vocational education centers, public and private educational bodies on different professional topic and lectures from Universities guarantee a continuing support to realize our operate.