Europass Mobility
What is it?

Europass Mobility is a record of any organized period of time (called Europass Mobility experience) that a person spends in another European country with the purpose of learning or training.
This includes for example:
- a work placement in a company;
- an academic term as part of an exchange programme;
- a voluntary placement in an NGO.
The mobility experience is monitored by two partner organizations, the first in the country of origin and the second in the host country. Both partners agree on purpose, content and duration of the experience; a mentor is identified in the host country.
The partners may be universities, schools, training centres, companies, NGOs, etc.
Who is it for?
The Europass Mobility is intended for any person undergoing a mobility experience in a European country, whatever their age or level of education.
Who is responsible for completing it?
The Europass Mobility is completed by the home and host organizations involved in the mobility project, in a language agreed between both organizations and person concerned.
Where can it be obtained?
For sending/promoting organization, check this website: Europass.
Azzurra Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS
Consignment of Certificates of participation from AZZURRA to the beneficiaries during a solemn Gala evening as goodbye performance for the participants of a training course.