
Zespol Szkol Ekonomiczno-Gastronomicznych im. St.Staszica Otwock Polonia

Il progetto "Placements in Mediterranean Hotels and Restaurants" si è svolto a Spoleto dal giugno 2008 al febbraio 2009 con il coinvolgimento di un totale di 120 allievi, suddivisi per gruppi composti da 30 e 15 ragazzi. La durata di ogni stage era di 5 settimane.

Obiettivo del progetto è stato quello di far conoscere agli studenti provenienti dalla Polonia i metodi di lavoro adottati nelle strutture del sistema di accoglienza e ristorazione locale, nonché le caratteristiche qualificanti della cucina mediterranea in generale e umbra nello specifico.

I ragazzi hanno avuto l'incontro e un benvenuto in comune dalla Assesore Patrizia Cristofori.

German students group in a program about Italian Cooking and receipts

"Our mentor was an Italian young Lady, she was nice and handsome and very attend to our needs, not only in the professional sector."

Bulgarian Group - Tourism Activities

"The accommodation at Villa Redenta was pleasant and comfortable.

We met participants of other European groups and we trained ourselves in speaking English.

In our internship places we were able to communicate a little bit in Italian language, the lessons on Italian language could be more!!"

Swedish group - Gastronomy

"Our program matched completely our professional needs and the internship at the metal mechanic factory was great.

We entered in a straight contact with the family of our boss, often we had lunch around the family's table together with the children of the factory owner.

We were unsuccessful in a football match against our Italian colleagues, but we lost with honour!"

German Group - Metal Mechanic

"The working plan of our program was satisfying.

The lectures and didactic visits were interesting and the docents spoke good English.

The didactic visits were well organized and matched our demands.

We had the possibility to meet other teachers from technical education schools, to take connection with technical institutions for future common projects."

Turkish Group - Exchange of Experiences in the frame of New Technologies in Teaching

"Nasz program z gastronomii I hotelarstwa zostal zrealizowany na Wybrzezu Adriatyckim w RICCIONE. Staz zawodowy zrealizowalismy w hotelach *** I ****
Na poczatka stazu mielismy tygodniowy program jezykowy oraz wycieczki dydaktyczne.
Staz odbylismy w kuchni, na sali I w barze.
Poznalismy zwyczaje tego kraju, dobra kuchnie (pizza jest tu naprawde wspaniala ).
W wolnym czasie opalalismy sie, plywalismy, gralismy w pilke (oczywiscie odwiedzilismy kilka slynnych dyskotek) i zwiedzilismy San Marino.
Wlosi sa bardo mili i stworzyli nam dobre warunki do zealizowania stazu"

Polish Group - Gastronomy and Tourism at RICCIONE, Adriatic coast