- Diploma Classical Highschool (1975)
- Employment in Children Summer Camps (INPDAP) (1976 - 1980)
- 3 years professional Course in Psychology of Writing (1986 - 1989)
- Perfection course of foreign language (German) at GOETHE Institute (1988-1990)
- Study with degree in Foreign language and literature (1989)
- Practice in teaching English Language for the COOP Congress Centre (1991 - 1993)
- Vice president of COOP Congress Centre, Cooperative for Tourist Services and Cultural Centre, Employment as Administrator for Management of Financial Contracts for the Theatre of Spoleto (1992 - 2004)
- Employment as Administrator of COOP Congress Centre for the FESTIVAL OF TWO WORLDS, human resource management and financial management of this cultural activity (1993 - 2002)
- Creation of AZZURRA Società Cooperativa Sociale (1996)
- Management of Summer Camp for young people for the Spoleto Municipality (1996)
- Creation of AZZURRA Società Cooperativa Sociale (1996)
- Management of Summer Camp for young people for the Spoleto Municipality (1996)
- Professional Course for Social Manager (1998)
- Professional Course with diploma on Manager of Social Tourism (1999)
- Employment as President of AZZURRA COOP in cooperation with another COOP (MILLENIUM), management of Cultural Activities, as direction of MUSEUM for the municipality of Spoleto (1999)
- Cooperation as Partner with UMBRIA TRAINING CENTRE in the framework of European Professional Training (2001 - 2004)
- Management and Coordination of Cultural and Tourist Activities of VILLA FIDELIA (Spello) for the Provincial Authority of PERUGIA (2003)
- Administration of Activity in the framework LEONARDO DA VINCI as receiving / Hosting Partner (Since 2005)
- Course for Managers for Female Enterprises (2006)
Simonetta Rella
Ewa Markowska
Activity in Poland:
- Study on Economic Technical Secondary School (1975)
- Study at Institute of Italian Language and Culture of Warsaw (1981 - 1983)
- Employment as Draughtswoman and Technical Designer in an Architects' and Engineers' Bureau (1976 - 1981)
- Hostess Stand for International Events in Warsaw (1983 - 1987)
Activity in Italy since 1990:
- Stand in Perugia, Florence and Rome (1990 - 1999)
- Translator for Polish and Russian Language for International Meetings and Conventions (1990 - 1999)
- Employment as Tutor for LEONARDO DA VINCI Project (from 1999)
Natalia Cori
- General Certificate of High School Education as Tourist Operator at the 'Istituto Professionale Alberghiero di Stato' Hotel Academy Spoleto (1992)
- Stage at American Express Travel Agency in Venice (1993)
- Employment as Waitress in Riccione (1994 - 1995)
- Hostess Stand for Theatrical Events in Spoleto during "Stagione di Prosa" and during "Festival of the Two Worlds" (1998-1999)
- Employment as operator for SPOLETO Museum
- Employment as Frontline operator at the Office of Hotel Reservation in Spoleto (1999- 2001)
- Agency on Tourist Fairs at Milano for the B.I.T and for the B.T.M at Livorno and for the B.T.U at Perugia as Promoter of Tourism in Umbria
- Employment as Receptionist at Villa Redenta Hostel in Spoleto (2002 - 2006)
- Employment as Tutor for LEONARDO DA VINCI Project (since 2005)